
NEUROflex understands that children have high nutritional needs but fairly small appetites. So it’s crucial all meals and snacks continue to be rich in nutrients and energy.  Children’s brains develop rapidly and providing the right nutrients to maximise their abilities is vital.

The food choices children make during the crucial years of development can influence many areas of their life:

  • Ability to learn
  • Concentration levels
  • Quality of sleep
  • Behaviour
  • Brain and body development
  • Future health risk
  • Food habits in later life

There are 4 golden rules when designing an eating plan for children and if followed then it can give them the best chance to grow as a nourished, intelligent and happy child.

  • Balance blood sugar
  • Ensure essential fats
  • Vitamins and minerals
  • Avoid anti-nutrients and eliminate allergies

NEUROflex can help evaluate how you are currently performing against these golden rules but also help you create a plan to make small but effective changes.

If you would like to find out more information or have any questions please send a message through the contact page.

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